There are a number of ways you can feature on The Thrifty Challenge and I'm always open to ideas.


Please drop me a message to find out how easy it is to secure a badge on the left hand side of the blog.

Badge Swap

I'm always happy to exchange badges for like minded bloggers who may write about thrift shopping, DIY, crafting, home renovation, gardening and cooking.


A great way to show off what you do, we can arrange a blog post explaining what is up for grabs and feature your website or Facebook page for example

Product review

Contract me if you've got a product you would like me to try out - especially related to DIY home renovations, crafts or gardening.

Contact Me

Just drop me an email at thethriftychallenge@gmail.com
I'd love to hear from you and welcome all questions and suggestions.

Feel free to grab a button too:

The Thrifty Challenge ”the
<a href="http://www.herthriftychallenge.blogspot.com.au" target="_self"><img src="http://i1155.photobucket.com/albums/p556/lisatourist/blogbutton.jpg" alt="The Thrifty Challenge" width="125" height="125" /></a>

1 comment:

  1. Hey there,

    I'd love to try a button swap with you! My code is on my page here: www.letsgolescophotos.wordpress.com. My email is letsgolescophotos@gmail.com.

    Let me know what you think :)

    Wishing you the best,
