We found a beautiful recycled teak 8 seater for 1/2 price and immediately snapped it up. It was perfect and arrived the day before christmas. However there was a small issue- we didn't have any chairs!
I've been eyeing off some replica tolix chairs for $69 each but they weren't really in the budget.Then I found the solution with chairs just over $20 each. While Christmas shopping I spotted some adorable striped directors chair covers for 1/2 price (only $20 per cover) so I picked up 8. Then came the task of thrifting the chairs. Gumtree had 6 directors chairs advertised for $15 so I quickly bought them. They are all sturdy but don't look amazing; 1 is green, 2 are white, 1 is maroon and 2 are striped but with the covers you'd never know. Now I just need to keep my eye out in hard rubbish and on gumtree to snag two more.
For now I am so happy with the new outdoor setting and it looks so much better than the collection of mismatched bits and pieces in the atrium before! I just need to hang my swinging chair (which also has a matching black and white striped cushion) and work out the best layout of plants in the area.
Lisa x
niced work.Brown TV Bed