As you can see it was pretty much a mess of dirt and a whole bunch of pot plants. For a while now I'd being looking out the window dreaming of some plants in the ground and a whole lot less pots. On Saturday it was time to tackle the project. To begin with we leveled the dirt (which involved taking about 4 wheelbarrow loads of dirt) and made a layer of bricks along the edge( as extra water protection even though the atrium was already lined with plastic). Then it came to the planting which was pretty easy. We choose to plant all the plants in the grown except the bamboo which we kept in a pot as we had no idea how big it could grow if not in the pot.
For now the plants all look a bit small but with some water they should hopefully grow and fill out the area a bit more. We also had to call a mate in to remove the large rock (in second picture) but it's much nicer without it. In fact when we bought the place, there were three large rocks but we'd already removed the other two.
There is still a long way to go but it's already looking so much neater and cleaner. If you're wondering where our striped chairs are hiding, they had to have a wash after a giant wind storm a few nights earlier.
The only grass we have is Maisy's little patch so I'm thinking of planting a patch of fake grass with a few pavers through it (the grass would be in front of the plants). I'm also thinking about some hanging plants and putting up the swinging chair in the corner. I'm going to try my luck at selling about 20 or so pots that were in the area and use this as my budget for phase 2 of the atrium makeover. Also if you're wondering about the random upside down pot, it's being used to stop us falling over some metal things that need to be cut away. That's also on the to do list :-) ooo and some outdoor fairy lights of course.
It's time to do some dreaming, planning and hopefully selling.
I just found this beautiful candle tree on hard rubbish on my way to the grocery store for the table so here's hoping that I find lots of thrifted beauties. Do you have any suggestions for the space?
Lisa x
Oh my goodness I dream of an atrium! You are one lucky girl! I had a peek at your nursery too, so cute, I love all the little touches!